some days, all you can say is, “uff dah”

becoming content with being mostly “just mom”

If you’re happy and you know it April 21, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — meganbrannan @ 4:41 pm

For a few weeks now, Owen has been clapping. Excuse me, CLAPPING. Like everything else is his little world he claps with gusto, like its his job. Claps so hard he nearly falls over at times!

A few days ago I concluded that the world would be a much happier place if we all clapped after doing something. Strike that. After doing everything, just like Owen. Eat breakfast. <clap> Brush Teeth. <clap> Turn off the light. <clap> Stand up. <clap> The list could go on and on.

Then this morning as I was wrestling to get someone’s pants buttoned and had to resort to blowing raspberries on his neck for a little distraction (not Gabe’s…he’s out of town) I had another idea. Wouldn’t it be fun to spend a day treating others as you would a toddler? Get in the barrista’s face and say, “Mmmo-ka. Say mmmooo-kaaa. Mocha.” You don’t want your boss in your office? Just pick him up, put him on the floor with a graham cracker and shut the door. When someone at the grocery store is moving too slow give them a few “gooses” so they pick up the pace. If your waitress looks a little cranky, “get her under there” and tickle her neck.

Good times.


One Response to “If you’re happy and you know it”

  1. awesomeblog Says:

    What I love about his clapping is the times he does it while looking at me. It’s the the only gift he knows how to give and he gives it so well.

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