some days, all you can say is, “uff dah”

becoming content with being mostly “just mom”

Hear My Words that I Might Teach You May 27, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — meganbrannan @ 6:24 pm

SImon’s Kindergarten Class is doing an ABC Countdown–each of the last 26 days of school gets a letter (the day’s theme starts with that letter), with Z being the last day.

Today’s letter was N – New Word Day – and they were to introduce a word to the class that they may not have heard (I want to say that one of his friend’s words was gratitude…what a great word to teach kids!  I hope they all remember it).  Simon shared his dad’s favorite word: onomatopoeia.  Hopefully your seventh grade English comes rushing back to remind you that onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it is describing:  zip, wham, ribbit, screech, plop, etc.  We’ve had fun all week coming up with examples and even Owen came up with a few like waaaah!!!  And of course he got in on the act because he is our little parrot, our mimic, our monkey-see-monkey-do.

Simon has quite the bump on his head from jumping up underneath the diving board (not once, but twice now) so when Gabe gave him a loving pat on the head and Owen followed up with a nice smack, it was not appreciated.  Last week, SImon was playing with Star Wars Legos and the Storm Troopers were moving in with lots of sound effects.  Owen had to get in on the act with an impressive “pshew, pshew” noise just like his big brother.  But my favorite imitation of the week was when his dad passed gas and Owen responded with “pbbbbbt!”  Now that’s onomatopoeia!


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