some days, all you can say is, “uff dah”

becoming content with being mostly “just mom”

Back in the Saddle Again June 9, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — meganbrannan @ 9:10 pm

Really? I’ve put this off for over a year?!?  That is so like me!  And it is too bad because it has been a wonderful year.

Simon has been a first grader in a combined 1/2 class with a very special teacher.  Mrs. N is one of tField Trip to Kamiak Buttehose people whose love for learning is contagious, she seems to always look for the positive and is completely unflappable.  Our house is now filled with “chapter books” and artwork and reports done by Simon.  Many of them were on making pizza with his Grandpa Dan at his restaurant and most recently he did a report on blue jays (which I have learned say things like “jay! jay! jay!” or “quiludy, quiludy” or “thief! thief! thief!”).  He’s in his fifth and last year of “Dede Swimming Lessons” and is doing great, when he’s not being a smart alec.

Owen just turned two and for several days insisted that he was 14 (What does a toddler know about 14?)  A year ago he was still 3 months away from walking whereas now he runs everywhere and is quite athletic.  He’s also quite a talker; match that with his intensity and persistence and I can honestly say he never shuts up!  Look forward to me lamenting about how I don’t know what to do with a Ocampingtoddler who doesn’t listen and just generally does things he shouldn’t.  I will forever be saying, “Its a good thing he is cute.

Without the previous post I wouldn’t have realized how some things have also stayed the same.  Owen is still our little parrot: any thing you say will come back twice as loud and twice as much.  His monkey-see-monkey-do-ness means that he is doing lots of things Simon never got to do at this age like have a light-saber.  He’s right behind Simon in learning all about Star Wars (already knows as much as I do, seriously) to the point where he is Anakin and Simon is Luke Skywalker.  Daddy is Chewbacca.  Mommy tries to stay out of it.


One Response to “Back in the Saddle Again”

  1. Gabe Says:

    Does this mean that I have to begin blogging once again?

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