some days, all you can say is, “uff dah”

becoming content with being mostly “just mom”

Let’s Go to the Movies… February 19, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — meganbrannan @ 6:32 pm

My husband, Gabe, and I are about to embark on an adventure.  For the next year, we will head to the theater once a month to sit through watch a Romantic Comedy.  Then we will blog all about it.  We will also be renting movies to watch at home between theater showings.

Reasons why this is nuts:

  • We never go to movies.  In 2008 we saw Kung Fu Panda, Horton Hears a Who and Pineapple Express.  Last year we saw Hotel For Dogs, Monsters vs. Aliens, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and The Hangover.
  • We never rent movies.  We actually forgot that we were subscribing to Netflix.  Movies have just never been a big priority–sure we say things like “Oh, we HAVE to see that!!” and then forget all about it 5 seconds later.
  • We are not “Romantic Comedy” people.  Well, except for movies that are So Bad They Are Good we love those.  Oh, and Gabe’s world stops if Sweet Home Alabama or You’ve Got Mail are on.  And one utterance from Matthew McConaughey does more damage to me than a Wrackspurt.
  • We don’t think of ourselves as “Romantic Comedy” people.
  • Individually, we aren’t great at follow-through on non-essential things.  Together, we are rubbish. How we can do anything like this for a year I will never know.

Regardless, I am really looking forward to this little project.  Spending quality time with Gabe is always a plus–I love him and he cracks my shit up.  Plus, he’s got a knack for understanding things that blow my mind like plot, theme and other basic, sophomore English stuff.  I tend to take things for face value, which I tell myself is a gift in itself).

Our first movie will be a “rental”: Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, a movie I should have watched long ago.  I am infinitely excited to watch it tomorrow. Michael Cera kills me.


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