some days, all you can say is, “uff dah”

becoming content with being mostly “just mom”

The Driver on the Bus Says… April 16, 2008

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When I started working in November, Simon lost his status of a “Parent Pick-Up” kid four days a week.  A thirty-minute bus ride brings him about a block from our church.  He LOVES the bus, even when he’s squished between two girls, one of which is tickling him.

On cold days I will sometimes drive to the bus stop and wait in the car.  I get out when I see the bus so as to walk Simon across the street.  Yesterday I was watching the kids line-up in the aisle to leave when Bus Driver Barb sticks her arm out, stopping the line, and motions me to come to the door.  Gulp.  She tells me, “I just want you to know how good Simon is on the bus and how much I enjoy having him.”  I thank her and tell her how much Simon likes the bus (and then said a little prayer of thanks because even when your child spends most of their time being “good,” because you just never know).

This Barb the Bus Driver is a hoot.  She sings different songs that corresponds with each stop.  Simon gets off with the kiddos from Community Childcare Center so their song is a sailor went to CCC to see what he could CCC…  In addition to being funny she must be part saint as an hour of her day is spent will ALL KINDERGARTNERS on her bus.